english-speaking day

We have decided something new in my family. Actually we decided to just speak english every monday a couple of weeks ago, but until today we have forgotten it every week. Hm, it's a little bit difficult I think. Before I used to like english and I thought it was pretty easy, but since I've started in a new school I think it's pretty hard. Well, well, if I talk english once a week I should get better at it. Don't you think?

It's a good time for me to practice my english, because tomorrow I have this group assignment about Ireland. I don't think it's going to be great and last time I've talked english in front of my teacher he complained about my grammar and stuff so I'm not looking forward to do another talking assignment.

Anyway, I'm sure this text have a lot of mistakes, but you can't be good at everything... .. . .. . I got my result from the spanish test today and I've got 100 points of 117 :) I'm happy about that. We didn't got a grade, but I hope it's a VG at least.
Blablabahaahhaaaa. I hope someone understood something from this. peace/B

Postat av: agge svennson banan

Skitbra för dig beltan med english practise å så, men snälla håll dig till måndagar på bloggen, för min skull? Konsertbiljetterna släpps imorrn, å du får köpa en för 20 spänn, hmm, är typ pank, men kan förmodligen lägga ut till dig så länge?

2008-11-17 @ 21:01:37
URL: http://unwritteen.blogg.se/
Postat av: bella

Jaaa, lägg gärna ut till mig :) Om det funkar och så för jag vill ha biljett, massa käärlek :)

2008-11-17 @ 21:58:52
URL: http://blai.blogg.se/

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